Every Fleet has access to a personal Space Station known as a Starbase. Initially, a Starbase serves only as a shared location for Fleet affairs, but with significant investment, a Starbase can be expanded with facilities that assist in improving the Skills of your Crew, as well as your own capacity for productivity.
There are a variety of Rooms that can be added to your Starbase. Most are associated with improving a specific Skill, but you may discover more possibilities as well. In order to build a Room, you and your Fleet will need to amass a number of Components unique to Starbase construction; these can typically be earned from Space Battles throughout the Galaxy. Each Fleet member can donate a number of Starbase Components per day, making it more valuable to fill your Fleet roster with numerous active Captains.
Once the requisite number of Components have been accumulated, your Admiral or another Officer of the Fleet may initiate construction of the Room. This will take time, though anyone in the Fleet can contribute to speeding up the fleet by a portion of the time remaining. When the time elapses, all members of the Fleet will being receiving a passive bonus from that Room to a variety of their actions elsewhere in the Galaxy.
Existing Rooms can also be expanded, increasing the bonus conferred. This process is virtually the same as the initial building process.
For additional strategic focus, an Admiral or Officer can mark a particular room as Recommended. This will push that room to the front of the list, and encourage Fleet members to invest in that Room first, allowing you to ideally reach your goals faster.